Thursday, June 14, 2012

Review: Flirting in Italian

Romance and Mystery

I was hoping that this would be a fun, light-hearted summer read. While I enjoyed it, I got caught up in the language. There is a lot of Italian phrases (obviously) and I found some of them hard to decipher. I also was hoping this would be a stand-alone novel and it turns out it is not. That would explain why when I was about 30 pages from the end I was wondering how the author would wrap everything up in such a short amount of time.

I liked the premise of this book. I enjoy books that involve romance, travel, and friendship. This book had all of those. I felt at times the story was weighed down by over description. When I read, I want to create a picture in my head, I don't want to read specific details for every single person, place, and thing along the way.

Overall, I think this book would be great for young teens. It has just the right amount of romance, fun, and mystery.

3 Stars

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