Friday, December 10, 2010

Mostly Cheesy List of Holiday Favorites

In honor of the holiday season, I thought I would do a little Top 10 list of my favorite things about the holidays. 

  1. Being with family:  The holidays are a time to be with family. Time we spend together is leisurely—no one has anywhere else to be.  We can just enjoy the company and the TIME.

  1. Christmas Vacation:  I seriously look forward to Christmas vacation long about the end of October.  That time off is nothing short of wonderful. If I choose, I can stay home ALL DAY…I’m smiling just thinking about it.

  1. Friends: Let me just say, you should be a *teeny* bit jealous of the awesome friends I have.  For real.  My High School friends and I usually get together when everyone is in town.  We have dinner, open presents, play with the kids, eat snacks, see a movie (maybe not this exact order)….the last two years it’s been Twilight or New Moon.  Wonder what we will see this year…any suggestions?  I also have some super amazing friends I’ve made at school.  Our dinners out are something that I look forward to, whenever they happen.

  1. Gingerbread Men & Snowmen:  These little characters just about make me giddy.  I can’t get enough of them.
 Seriously…how could you not love this little guy????

  1. Christmas Music:  Yes, I can admit it; I’m one of those weirdos that will listen to Christmas Music as soon as they start playing it on the radio.  Even if it’s the day after Halloween or something ridiculous like that.  'O Holy Night’ is one of my all time faves—maybe you’ve heard of a little group called *NSYNC perform that acapella, orr maybe Josh Groban’s version?  One word…WOW.

  1. Shopping for gifts: *Love it* Nothing about this stresses me out, except for maybe sitting in a completely standstill line of traffic.  I love buying gifts for people I love and care about.  I love buying extra gifts for organizations donating toys or clothing. 

  1. Wrapping Presents:  I find great joy in this.  I find even more joy arranging and rearranging all the gifts under the tree.

  1. Giving:  This is a great time to remind people that service and charity work don’t just need to happen in December.  People need help and assistance all year long.  I’ve been working on some service learning projects that will hopefully get going after the first of the year…and I’m truly excited about them.

  1. Have I mentioned anything about staying home in my pj’s all day?

  1. The delicious food: ‘nuff said.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! I, too, am an early Christmas music lover. I think it comes from practicing Christmas music in band and choir months ahead of time?

    Also, let's see Dawn Treader. Mebbe?
