Saturday, December 31, 2011

Hey 2012..what's up?

So 2011 was quite  a year for me.  I switched jobs, went on an amazing weekend getaway with my best high school girl friends, and had the sweetest baby girl (who by the way is currently napping so sweetly on my lap), and turned 30... I wonder what 2012 has in store...

I don't make resolutions because I don't keep them.  I like to think in terms of goals, some long-term, some short-term.

Here are a couple of goals I have for the year.

1. Read more- I want my students to read every night, so I need to as well.
2. Check out more books from the library.
3. Find some non-fiction books I like
4. Go on vacation
5. Find a great face cleanser
6. Do more DIY projects (thanks to pinterest, I have quite the list)
7. Don't leave my clean laundry folded up in baskets...put it away!
8. Wear more dresses
9. Fix my hair at least 4 days a week (lame I know, but I suffer from the just put it in a ponytail syndrome)
10. Enjoy it!

You may think some of my goals are lame, and you may not understand why wearing more dresses would be a goal, and that's okay.  They are my goals, lame or not...I hope whatever goals or resolutions you make for the year that you are successful and that you live life to the fullest every single day.

I think I'll go read now and think about making a best of 2011 post, because there aren't enough of those. :)

Happy New Year!

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